Allergic Reactions & Anaphylaxis

  • Antibodies are immunoglobulins (Ig) that bind to an antigen or foreign substance.
    • Humoral immunity involves antibodies. 
  • This binding causes a series of events that results in the lysis or phagocytosis (eating up) of the foreign invader.
  • There are five types of immunoglobulins:
  1. IgA – in mucous secretions (tears, saliva). Protects us from cold viruses
  2. IgD – on â cells
  3. IgM – best agglutinating and complement activating antibody
  4. IgE – elevated in parasitic infections and allergic reactions
  5. IgG - only class to cross the placenta.
    • Provides immunity to the fetus
    • Involved in many functions