Allergic Reactions & Anaphylaxis

Criteria for Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is likely if only one of the following criteria have been met:
  • Criteria I
    Acute onset of illness involving skin, mucosal tissue or both AND respiratory compromise or hypotension.
    • Hives, flushed skin, facial edema, dyspnea, bronchospasm, stridor
    • Present in 90% of anaphylactic reactions

  • Criteria II
    Two or more of the following that occur rapidly after an exposure
    • Generalized hives, itching or swollen lips
    • Respiratory compromise
    • Hypotension
      • Syncope
    • Abdominal pain or vomiting

  • Criteria III
  • Hypotension after exposure to known allergen
    • Reduced BP <90mmHg or 30% decrease from normal [2, 3, 7-9]