Allergic Reactions & Anaphylaxis

Case Study
  • Since your elderly patient is stable you turn your attention to your partner. He is dying in front of you. He is now cyanotic and has collapsed to the floor.
  • You take vitals. BP 80/50 mmHg, pulse is 130 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 38 breaths per minute but his breathing appears ineffectual, as he is wheezy with inspiratory stridor.
  • You quickly recognize the signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction and administer the adult Epinephrine Auto-injector (0.3mg of Epinephrine 1:1,000) into his right lateral thigh.  You place Christopher on oxygen and within seconds his stridor begins to improve and the wheezing diminishes. You establish and IV and administer 50 mg of Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) along with a 250ml bolus of normal saline. You then ensure that you have the appropriate ambulance enroute to care for both your partner and the elderly patient on scene.