Indications and protocols will vary.
As always, be sure to check your current local protocols.
Example of Massachusetts Protocol 2015.1 (Oct. 2015)
1. Activate ALS if available and deemed necessary.
2. Initiate transport as soon as possible, with or without ALS.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->a. <!--[endif]-->Determine patient’s history of allergies, and administer aspirin (Dose= 324-325 mg., chewable preferred) if not contraindicated and if not already administered.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->b. <!--[endif]-->If patient complains of chest pain, chest pressure or chest discomfort administer nitroglycerin (NTG), 1 tablet or spray sublingual, If BLOOD PRESSURE is greater than 120mm Hg systolic. May repeat dosage in 5 minute intervals times two (x3), if BLOOD PRESSURE remains greater than 120 mm Hg systolic, to a maximum of three doses, including any doses the patient may have self administered prior to EMS arrival.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->c. <!--[endif]-->If patient’s BLOOD PRESSURE drops below 100mm Hg systolic, treat for shock.
Note: For patients, both male and female, who have, within the last 48 hours, taken any medications classified in the phosphodiesterase-type-5 inhibitor category (e.g. sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil), nitrates should not be administered unless medical control has been contacted and has provided the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B; EMT-I; EMT-P) with a medical control order to administer nitrates.
4. Notify receiving hospital. [31] |