COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus

Incubation Period
COVID-19 has an incubation period somewhere between 1 to 14 days, similar to past coronaviruses (SARS / MERS).  This means that within 1 to 2 weeks of coming in contact with an infected person the symptoms start. Unfortunately this is actually similar to the flu virus in that people seem to be contagious before the symptoms start so it makes it very hard to contain. This is why many governmental agencies have implemented isolation and closures of public gatherings. Infected persons can walk around for a few days shedding the virus infecting others before they even know that they are sick. Once the symptoms start,  about three out of four people seem to actually have a fairly mild course about one of four get sicker.  Of that one out of four, so far it appears about one out of 10 of those dies. Remember, these numbers are constantly changing.