COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus

Social Distancing
If you spoke the term “social distancing” a few weeks ago, you would have received confused looks.  As of today, you see it posted everywhere.  As EMS providers performing the job, we lack the ability to “social distance.” We want to relay the message to the general public that they should avoid crowds and busy public places and keep a distance between yourself and other people – experts recommend 6 feet. Other measures involve limiting unnecessary travel, skipping social events and avoiding gathering places like restaurants, clubs, theatres, auditoriums and even churches. State dependent, but many of these events and meeting places have been closed or cancelled. 

The goal of social distancing is to prevent the spread of a disease for which there are not yet any antibodies or effective treatments. While young, healthy people may not be as susceptible or at as much risk, they can be carriers of illness. Social distancing helps protect our own health, but also protects the most vulnerable  people in our lives – people with diabetes, heart conditions, asthma and other health conditions, and people over the age of 60.