COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus

Influenza Soap Box
Influenza varies from year to year but the average mortality rate is about 2.5% which is about 1 out of every 40 people infected. We sometimes tend to neglect the influenza virus most likely because we see it every year. Influenza is highly contagious and also is a very fatal virus that we tend to get a little bit lax with. The difference between COVID-19 and influenza is that we actually have a vaccine for influenza. The vaccine is not perfect but it will decrease the number of infections by about 60%. This means that 60% fewer people that can actually spread to other people.  This can make a huge difference if a lot of people get the vaccine.  The moral of the influenza story is to get your flu shot!  So therefore if you don't get the flu you can’t give it to your coworkers, your family or your patients. [4]