Chemical Suicide

Protective Actions
A number of factors impact the choice of which protective actions should be taken in any given situation.  Evacuation may be the best option in some cases; in others, sheltering in-place may be the best course of action. Or, at times, both actions may be used in combination. 
  • Isolate and Deny Entry means to keep everybody away from the area if they are not directly involved in Emergency Response Operations.  Unprotected emergency responders should not be allowed to enter the isolation zone. This "isolation" task is done first to establish control over the area of operations. This is the first step for any protective actions that may follow. Refer to ERG 2012 Table 1 (green-bordered pages) for detailed information on specific materials.
  • 'Evacuate' means to move all people from a threatened area to a safer place.To perform an evacuation there must be enough time for people to be warned, to get ready and to leave an area. Evacuation is the best protective action if there is enough time. 
  • Shelter In-Place means people should seek shelter in their current environment as long as it is safe.  This may include being inside a building and remaining inside until the danger passes.  Sheltering in-place is used when evacuating the public would cause greater risk than staying where they are or when an evacuation cannot be performed.
Specific details on the procedures for each can be found in the ERG 2016 guide. Electronic versions (.pdf) of the ERG are available to download directly from The US Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) by clicking here. Files are available in both English and Spanish from this page, under "Related Documents" in the right column.