Chemical Suicide

Massachusetts Exceptions to Initiating Resuscitation

Body condition clearly indicating biological death.

    1. Complete decomposition or putrefaction:  the skin surface (not only in isolated areas) is bloated or ruptured, with sloughing of soft tissue, and the odor of decaying flesh.
    2. Dependent lividity and/or rigor:  when the patient’s body is appropriately examined, there is a clear demarcation of pooled blood within the body, and/or major joints (jaw, shoulders, elbows, hips, or knees) are immovable. 

Procedure for lividity and/or rigor: All of the criteria below must be established and documented in addition to lividity and/or rigor in order to withhold resuscitation: 

i.      Respirations are absent for at least 30 seconds; and

ii.     Carotid pulse is absent for at least 30 seconds; and

<!--[if !supportLists]-->iii.     Lung sounds auscultated by stethoscope bilaterally are absent for at least 30 seconds;


<!--[if !supportLists]-->iv.      <!--[endif]-->Both pupils, if assessable, are non-reactive to light. [20]