The time-sensitive steps in the process of stroke care are:
- Rapid recognition and response to stroke symptoms or warning signs
- Rapid & immediate EMS dispatch (priority dispatch)
- Rapid EMS transport
- Pre-arrival notification of the receiving stroke-capable facility
- Rapid diagnosis and treatment at the receiving hospital
All steps in this process must occur, and constant effort, focused to minimize and eliminate any delay in care, must be made. Steps to improve dispatch protocols include using standardized procedures for dispatchers to identify potential stroke patients. More than 50% of stoke patients have their first medical contact with an EMS provider during transport to the hospital. Stroke specific screening questions can help identify stroke patients rapidly and help eliminate lost time caused by dispatch delays. Dispatch personnel may be able to document time of onset of stroke symptoms and relay any additional relevant information to the EMS crew en route. Providing medical supervision and oversight, as well as regular feedback, can improve outcomes of EMS prehospital care. (21,22)