A simple way to assess for the presence of facial droop is to ask the patient to smile. Both sides should move equally in the normal patient. Depression of the nasolabial fold and drooling are also signs of facial droop.
Arm drift is assessed by having the patient hold both arms out in front of the body for a 10 full seconds. If one arm drifts compared to the other or is not moving at all, this is considered an abnormal finding. Patients are usually asked to close their eyes when performing this task.
Speech is evaluated by asking the patient to repeat a simple sentence. If the patient is using inappropriate words, slurring words or fails to respond, this is abnormal and suggests the possibility of a stroke.
Time is a critical factor. It is important to get the patient to the nearest stroke capable hospital. "T" should also prompt the EMS responder to accurately record the time of symptom onset and the time patient was last seen normal. [13]