Extensively drug resistant TB
- This is MDR TB on steroids
- The is very rare
- In the US, only 57 cases reported between 1993-2010
- This bacteria is resistent to isoniazid and rifampin, like MDR TB
- It is also resistant to fluroquinolones and to one of the injectable second line drugs
- amikacin, kanamycin, and or capreomycin
- Both XDR TB and TB are spread the same way
- This strain of XDR TB makes treatment difficult and risky
- Drugs needed have more side effects and at times are less effective
What patients are at risk for XDR TB
- Patients who do not take TB meds as scheduled
- Patients that have a reinfection from TB after treatment
- Patients exposed to areas where there is a high prevalence of XDR TB
- Patient to have known contact of person with documented case of XDR TB
Is there a cure?
- In a closely monitored program, success rates have been as high as 30-50%
- What affectes the cure rate
- severity of disease (worsens outcomes)
- extent of drug resistance (worsens outcomes)
- immune system status (is it impaired?) [8]
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