Endocrine Diabetic Emergencies

Types of Diabetes

Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus -- NIDDM (type II)

Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is associated with obesity and with aging. The glycoprotein receptor sites on the outer surface of the membrane of the target cells do not respond to the presence of insulin.  Because of this inadequacy glucose is not accepted into the cells, so the glucose levels remain high and can eventually lead to glucose toxicity and death. Fortunately, NIDDM can be managed with diet and exercise when diagnosed early. People with type 2 diabetes have more flexibility in the treatment and control of their diabetes, including diet, exercise, and medication. [6]

Individuals with Type II diabetes mellitus still produce insulin, but insulin production is inadequate for their body's needs. Additionally, Type II diabetes suffer insulin resistance: their pancreases produce higher amounts of insulin, which is needed because of the lack of sensitivity to insulin by the fat and muscle cells of the body, the insulin does not do what it is supposed to do.
