Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis

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The Immune System
  • Innate or Natural Immunity are immune mechanisms we are born with. For example:
    • Fever response,
    • Cough reflex and 
    • Mucous membranes.
  • Acquired Immunity is obtained as we are exposed to substances that are foreign or non-self.
    • These develop over time as a result of an exposure to an antigen.
    • An antigen can be any substance that is capable of inducing an immune response.
  • It triggers a cascade of events that leads to specific activity against that antigen.
  • This allows the body to react more quickly in the future if that same antigen is encountered.
  • You can think of the immune system as having two arms, or two different mechanisms that the body uses to protect itself from foreign invaders.
    • One arm is humoral immunity
    • The other is cellular immunity [6, 7]
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