Treatment consists of three different strategies. If premature rupture of membranes occurs at less than 32 weeks gestation, corticosteroids should be given to hasten the lung maturation of the fetus. Prophylactic antibiotics for group B strep should be given as soon as analysis of the amniotic fluid indicates fetal lung maturity; labor should be induced. The risk of internal infection is high after premature rupture of membranes (PROM). If PROM occurs between 32 to 34 weeks gestation amniotic fluid analysis is first performed to determine fetal lung maturity, and labor is induced if the lungs have matured. If not, corticosteroids and antibiotics are given until induction at 34 weeks. After 34 weeks gestation, antibiotics are administered before labor is induced. [5]
Preterm premature rupture of membranes occurs before the lungs are mature. Any premature rupture of membranes increases the risk of neonatal infection as the duration of membrane rupture lengthens. |