Maternal Complications in Pregnancy

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How to Deliver an Infant Emergently
Estimation of progress of labor 

Although it is now more rare for babies to be delivered outside of the hospital, it happens. You should be prepared to recognize a precipitous delivery, and know how to handle this event, which includes recognizing the potential complications of any delivery and being able to improvise until the patient can receive a higher level of care. 

The first step is to estimate the dilation of the cervix. In the first stage of labor, this dilation can take a long while, especially if the mother is a primigravida. However, if you arrive on the scene and the woman is fully dilated, with the baby"s head "crowning," she is in stage two, and you should realize that labor can progress quickly at this point. You should thoroughly wash your hands and put on gloves and any personal protective equipment, observing universal precautions.
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