Maternal Complications in Pregnancy

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Delivering the baby
8. Continue to support the head, support the neck, and be certain to hold on to the body, which will be slippery.

9. MANAGE ANY COMPLICATIONS: -If the head comes out and the body fails to follow after the mother has pushed three times, ask the mother to lie on her back. Place several pillows under her buttocks, have her raise her knees and hold them at her chest, and push hard with each contraction
-For breech birth, see later in this lecture

10. When initially holding the baby, do so in a position with two hands, one supporting the neck and head. Tilt the head down at about 45 degrees to allow fluid to drain, with the feet slightly above the baby"s head

11. Gently place the neonate on the mother"s chest, and cover both with clean blankets or towels.
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