COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus

Surgical Masks
Many people ask why people are wearing facemasks. For the purpose of this surgical facemask and facemask terms are used interchangeably. Not all facemasks are surgical facemasks. In an outbreak such as this, does a surgical facemask actually help prevent the spread of this kind of virus? Depending upon the journal or article you read the answer is, “it depends.” Knowing that COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets that one can breathe in, the N95 mask is the best fitting option.  The regular facemask does not provide a “tight enough” filter. The facemask will let bigger particles through and probably doesn't really slow down the transmission of this kind of virus or even the flu virus for that matter.  There are some studies that show that wearing a facemask actually prevents people from touching their face with their hands.  Wearing the facemask actually prevents the other kind of transmission, via physical contact.

For example,  you touch something that is infected or someone who is infected touches a surface and then touches that surface, then your face.  Studies show people touched their face over 24 times a minute so the N95 mask is the better choice. If the only mask you have is a facemask, it is worth putting it on because the least it will prevent you from touching something and touching your face in addition to providing some droplet protection. [10], Inc.